欧洲杯买球app官网 产品中心 阿特拉斯空压机 欧洲杯买球app官网 空气后处理设备 空压机应用案列 空压机百科 关于我们 2024欧洲杯买球app平台

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公司总部:苏州市高新区联港路 上海营销:上海市松江区宝胜路 工厂地址:无锡市新吴区长江路 电话咨询,会安排区域人员联系


作者: 欧洲杯买球app官网 时间:2020.10.16 浏览量:13806







Atlas Copco (Wuxi) Compressor Co., Ltd., 100% invested by Atlas Copco Group, is a product company within the Compressor Technique and Power Technique business area. It develops and manufactures Atlas Copco brand products for the global market.

The production center has two sustainable lean production sites and a state-of-art R&D center in Wuxi. It develops and manufactures oil-free and big size compressors, desiccant dryers and filters in Plant 1, core compressor components in state-of-the-art Wuxitec factory. Develops and manufactures portable diesel and electric driven compressors, generators, water pumps, lighting towers, small to medium sized industrial air and medical vacuum in Plant 2.

Atlas Copco (Wuxi) Compressor Co., Ltd.'s output has increased substantially since operation started in 1994 and is now one of the biggest and most modern compressor factory in the region.

Our mission is to become an efficient/competitive/state-of-the-art design, assembly and service center, and to become the preferred supplier for China and rest of the world.

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